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A Review on the Effects of Omega-3 Supplementation on Sleep Patterns, Hyperactivity and other Developmental Behavior in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (17037 Views)
The Impacts of Informal Social Support on the Mental Health of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (13843 Views)
The Effectiveness of Non-Verbal Motor Imitation on Length of Utterance in 8-16-Year-Old Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (9627 Views)
A Theoretical Explanation on Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Behavioral Inhibition Model and Nature of Self-control (8668 Views)
A Preliminary Study on the Reliability, Validity and Cut Off Points of the Disorders of Children Symptom Inventory-4 (CSI-4) (8601 Views)
Adaptation and standardization of Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self-report, and Teacher’s Report Forms (8478 Views)
A Comparison of Visual-Spatial Working Memory Executive Functions, Tower of London Test, and Computational Errors in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia and Normally Developing Children (8040 Views)
The effect of educational games on short-term memory and dictation of Primary school students with specific learning disabilities (8031 Views)
Philosophy of Inclusive Education (7865 Views)
Predictive Role of Personal Growth Initiative in the Adjustment of Blind Students (7860 Views)
A study of the Prevalence and Causes of Learning Disorders among Elementary Students of Ardebil Province (7732 Views)
Adaptation and Standardization of the Test of TOLD-P: 3 for Farsi - Speaking Children of Tehran (7630 Views)
The Relationship of Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies with depression and Anxiety in Students of Special Middle Schools for Talented Students in Shiraz (7112 Views)
Psychometric properties of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale–Third Edition (GARS-3) in individuals with autism: A pilot study (7065 Views)
Adaptation and Standardization of the IRAN KEY-MATH Test of Mathematics (6884 Views)
The Impact of Training Executive Functions on Mathematics and Reading Performance in Primary students with Specific Learning Disabilities (6792 Views)
Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy on Stress in Mothers of Children with Intellectual Disability (6719 Views)
The Educational Contents and Preparing Educable Mentally Retarded Children on Independent Life Skills from Parents’ and Teachers’ Viewpoint (6574 Views)
Working Memory in Children with and without Attention/Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (6538 Views)
The Effect of Cognitive Computer Games on Working Memory, Attention and Cognitive Flexibility in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (6427 Views)
The Impacts of Two Aerobic Training Programs (Rope Jumping and Running) on Physical Factors in Boys with Intellectual Disability (6329 Views)
Investigation of the Effectiveness of Cognitive Rehabilitation on Improving the Distinguishing of Emotional States in Children with High Functioning Autism Disorder (6277 Views)
Executive Functions in Students with Nonverbal Learning Disorders and Students with Dyslexia (6193 Views)
Emotional Intelligence and Self-concept in Ordinary and Gifted Students (6009 Views)
The Effect of Exercise Variability on the Acquisition and Learning of Overarm Throwing Accuracy in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (5991 Views)
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Adaptation and standardization of Child Behavior Checklist, Youth Self-report, and Teacher’s Report Forms (17254 Downloads)
What is Phonological Awareness? (14430 Downloads)
Investigation of Main Problems in Clinical Interview with Mentally Retarded Children (11711 Downloads)
Facts and Perspectives in Special Education System: A Comparative Look at the Iranian Special Education System and some Developed Countries (10992 Downloads)
Psychometric properties of the Gilliam Autism Rating Scale–Third Edition (GARS-3) in individuals with autism: A pilot study (9771 Downloads)
Menstruation in Girls with Mental Retardation (9566 Downloads)
An Evaluation of Language Learning and (Sentence) Writing Course Book and Teacher’s Guide for Hearing-Impaired Students (9021 Downloads)
Studying Outbreak of Spinal Column Abnormalities & Its Relationship with Rest Habit with respect to Anthropometric & Ergonometric Properties of Educable Mentally Retarded Children of Kurdistan Province (8136 Downloads)
The Effect of Cognitive Games on Attention and Response Inhibition in Students with Dyscalculia (8000 Downloads)
A Comparative Study on Physical Features in Normal, and Microcephal, Macrocephal and Idiopathic Mentally Retarded Children (7315 Downloads)
Phonological and Syntactic Processing in Models of Reading (7258 Downloads)
Effects of Music Therapy on Selective Attention of Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (6564 Downloads)
An Analysis on the Persian Spelling Errors in the 2nd Grade Elementary Students (6516 Downloads)
The Comparison of Empathy and Emotional Facial Recognition among Children Diagnosed with Conduct Disorder and Oppositional Defiant Disorder (6482 Downloads)
Impact of Teaching Deductive Thinking Skills on Academic Achievement in Students with Intellectual Disabilities (6386 Downloads)
The Comparison between the Effectiveness of Audio-Visual Perception on Reading ability of Dyslexic Children (6248 Downloads)
The Role of Genetic and Nutrition in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (6135 Downloads)
A study of the Prevalence and Causes of Learning Disorders among Elementary Students of Ardebil Province (6045 Downloads)
The effect of teaching social skills on increasing of self- confidence in blind-Girls Narjes High school in Tehran in 1381 (5949 Downloads)
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in Ameliorating Adolescent Anxiety in Generalized Anxiety Disorders (GAD) (5944 Downloads)
Dyslexia: The Role of Cerebellum (5753 Downloads)
The Impacts of Two Aerobic Training Programs (Rope Jumping and Running) on Physical Factors in Boys with Intellectual Disability (5712 Downloads)
The Effect of Cognitive Computer Games on Working Memory, Attention and Cognitive Flexibility in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (5557 Downloads)
Mental Flexibility and Memory in Students with High Functioning Autism, Educable Down Syndrome and Normal Students (5429 Downloads)
Prevalence of Reading Disorder a among primary school students in Shahrekord (5326 Downloads)
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New Journal website launched ( 5122 view)
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New Journal website launched ( 745 print)
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فصلنامه کودکان استثنایی Journal of Exceptional Children



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