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:: Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2006 2006) ::
JOEC 2006, 6(2): 639-660 Back to browse issues page
An Analysis on the Persian Spelling Errors in the 2nd Grade Elementary Students
Bahman Zandi * 1, Shahin Nematzadeh2 , Mehdi Samaa’ei3 , Shima Nabifar
1- Payame Nour University
2- Alzahra University
3- Iranian information & documentation center
Abstract:   (4597 Views)

Objective: The objective of this descriptive and cross-sectional study was to classify and to determine the sort of the students spelling errors, and to study the Persian forms orthographic processing on the basis of linguistic and non-linguistic information in children. Method: The sample was 85 students. The Garman’s (1996) classification was used. This classification suggests that while spelling, children use their memory as well as their linguistic knowledge that might be orthographic, morphological, syntactic or semantic. An orthographic test comprising 246 “goal lexemes and phrases” and 20 dictations from the beginning, the middle and the end of the academic year was the instrument o f the research. Results: the findings manifested that the most spelling error was for the letter level, and the least related to symbol level (e.g., gemination). Regarding the kind of errors, substitutions had the greatest percent. Besides, displacement, repetition and mixed forms had the least percent and were mostly nonlinguistic, and one can assume them as slips of the pen, like speech slips. At the language levels, the most percent of errors was for “lexeme” and the least was for the “syllable”. Conclusion: Most dictation errors were linguistic and originated from the Persian writing system. Furthermore, the findings stress that children enjoy both linguistic information and the visual memory. Processing the orthographic forms which are produced by using linguistic information is easier for them than processing the forms produced by using nonlinguistic (visual) information.

Keywords: dictation errors, written language, linguistic and nonlinguistic, orthographic processing, persian language
Full-Text [PDF 208 kb]   (6616 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2006/05/22 | Accepted: 2006/09/5 | Published: 2006/12/21
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Zandi B, Nematzadeh S, Samaa’ei M, Nabifar S. An Analysis on the Persian Spelling Errors in the 2nd Grade Elementary Students. JOEC 2006; 6 (2) :639-660
URL: http://joec.ir/article-1-407-en.html

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Volume 6, Issue 2 (Summer 2006 2006) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه کودکان استثنایی Journal of Exceptional Children



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