Objective: This study aimed to evaluate Evaluation of Fabric Sewing Curriculum of Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Secondary Schools in Mashhad. Method: Four groups including students, vocational training Hammond's objective-oriented model and various checklists, observation forms, interviews and academic achievement tests were used for answering the research questions. These questions regarded the organization quality of workplace environment, teacher's teaching quality and the amount of achieving predicted and expected training goals. Resultss: The means of findings related to workplace facilities and material showed a weak environment organization, but optimal facilities and material organization. ANOVA of various components of teachers’ learning quality revealed no significant difference between 3 grades. The evaluation of general and special cognitive and practical abilities showed different results according to the grades. Conclusion: The implemented curriculum in fabric sewing practice was successful in achieving some expected objectives and not in some others. These need deeper thinking and considerable program for optimizing the situation.
khandaghi M A. Evaloation of Vocational Training Curriculum of Mentally Retarded Students in Secondary Schools. JOEC 2011; 11 (2) :175-190 URL: http://joec.ir/article-1-246-en.html