Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of computerized cognitive training on the attention functions of students with dyslexia. Method: The present experimental study had a pretest-posttest design with a control group. The study population comprised male and female students with dyslexia studying in the 2nd to 5th grades in Markazi Province, Iran, from 2013 to 2014. From among these, 60 students were selected by cluster random sampling and randomly assigned to four groups: experimental (right-handed, left-handed) and control (right-handed, left-handed). Data collection instruments included a demographic information questionnaire,a computerized cognitive training software program, the Stroop Test software, the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV, the Reading and Dyslexia Test, and Chapman's Handedness Inventory. Data were analyzed using the multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA). Results: The results showed that, after performing the computerized cognitive training, the sub-scales of attention function on the Stroop Test significantly improved in both experimental groups (right- and left-handed). Moreover, the use of computerized cognitive training was more effective in improving the attention functions of right-handed students with dyslexia compared to left-handed ones. Conclusion: Computerized cognitive training can be used to improve attention functions in students with dyslexia. Furthermore, cognitive flexibility is higher in left-handed individuals than right-handed ones.
alipor A, amini F.
The Effectiveness of Computerized Cognitive Training on the Attention Functions of Students with Dyslexia . JOEC 2018; 17 (3) :73-84 URL: http://joec.ir/article-1-580-en.html