This research is a survey, which has investigated depression and anxiety in visually handicapped persons with regard to age, sex, degree of handicap, marital status and occupational status. The subjects of this research consisted of 135 visually handicapped persons in the city of Tehran with the age rang 16-50 years. They were chosen as accessible sample in classified age groups, man and woman groups, blind and partially sighted groups, unmarried and married groups and working and nonworking groups. The assessment instruments were Beck depression inventory and Cattle Anxiety Scale which have been standardized in Iran. Descriptive findings suggested that many of the visually handicapped persons had mild depression and moderate anxiety. Statistical analysis of the findings showed that in visually handicapped persons, the women unmarried and those who are not working experience more depression than men, the married and those who work, respectively. Therefore, two factors of age and the degree of handicap had not remarkable impact on depression. Analysis of the findings also indicated that anxiety in visually handicapped women was higher than in men. So other factors such as age, the degree of handicap, marital status and occupational status had no impact on anxiety
Abbasi Tehrani F, Dolatabadi S. An Investigation of Depression and Anxiety in Visually Handicapped Persons with the Age Rang I5-50 Years in Tehran with Regards to their Age , Set the degree of Handicap, Marital and Occupational Status. JOEC 2003; 2 (4) :359-376 URL: