Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of schema-broadening instruction (SBI) for second-graders with dyscalculia. Method: In this quasi-experimental study, eight students with dyscalculia with cut-off scores<85 on KeyMath, >first quartile in five subtests of NAMA Reading and Dyslexia Test, and full intelligence quotient (IQ) scores in the normal range (>85) participated in an individual tutoring program on word problems (using Pirate Math). Pirate Math focuses on the basic skills of number combinations, procedural calculations, and algebra in order to improve narrative problem-solving skills. Individual tutoring was provided in three 20-30-minute sessions per week for 5 weeks, while the control group (n=8) received no tutoring. Results: Results of repeated-measures analysis of variance supported the effectiveness of SBI. Compared to the control group, the experimental group showed an enhanced word problem skill (ŋ2=0.66 vs. ŋ2=0.02), procedural computation (ŋ2=0.87 vs. ŋ2 =0.25 for addition and ŋ2=0.97 vs. ŋ2=0.16 for subtraction), and algebra (ŋ2=0.78 vs. ŋ2=0.28).Conclusion: SBI considers the principles of effective intervention for students with dyscalculia. Results demonstrated the efficacy of this tutoring protocol in remediating the key deficits of students with the noted disability. Therefore, it can be used in teaching mathematics to this group of students.
dazy S, kadivar P, abdollahi M H, hassanabadi H. Applying Schema-Broadening Instruction to Remediate Word Problem Deficits among Second-Grade Students with Dyscalculia. JOEC 2018; 17 (4) :113-128 URL: http://joec.ir/article-1-399-en.html