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:: Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2024) ::
JOEC 2024, 23(4): 71-80 Back to browse issues page
Comparative study on IQ ، dermatoglyphic patterns and minutia in the first phalanx forefinger of right hand: A Preliminary Study
Efat Ansari1 , Jina Khayatzadeh * 1, Mohammadreza Pourmohammad1 , Nasser Mahdavi Shahri2
1- Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch
2- , Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Abstract:   (520 Views)
Objective: Biometry is an extensive branch of biotechnology which defines personal identification based on individual physical, physiological and behavioral characteristics. Fingerprint is a physiological property which is the most widely used application in identity recognition, due to its uniqueness and invariability. Fingerprint is made of skin lines scrubbing and not two people have similar fingerprints. Dermatoglyphics is a science which deals with studying skin lines available in palms or soles, fingers or toes correctly and systematically. Methods: this study was performed to examine the relation between pattern type of dermatoglyphics and different types of minutiae by IQ in 100 female Persian students, 14-17 years old, living in Razavi Khorasan Province. For this purpose, after IQ evaluated and determined by Raven Intelligence Test then fingerprints were taken the studied people, finally, the relation between skin patterns and intelligence coefficient was evaluated by statistical analyses through SPSS Software. Result: Findings indicate that spiral pattern in both hands has the most frequency and arcuate pattern has the least frequency. Arcuate pattern frequency in left hand is more than right hand. The present study indicates that in intelligent group, pouchy pattern and in ordinary group, spiral pattern have the most frequencies. In symmetry gauge, frequency of minutiae patterns in the first knuckle of index finger in both groups, ordinary and intelligent groups showed a significant difference. Also, the highest line numbers in isolated right and left hands belonged to intelligent people. Discussion: this information in prognosis of psychological, medical and therapeutic plans, determining students' educational talent level, issues related to anthropology and social sciences can also be useful.
Article number: 6
Keywords: Biometry, Dermatoglyphics, Intelligence Coefficient, Minutiae, Fingerprint, Persian ethnic.
Full-Text [PDF 774 kb]   (255 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/10/19 | Accepted: 2023/11/11 | Published: 2024/08/3
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Ansari E, Khayatzadeh J, Pourmohammad M, Mahdavi Shahri N. Comparative study on IQ ، dermatoglyphic patterns and minutia in the first phalanx forefinger of right hand: A Preliminary Study. JOEC 2024; 23 (4) : 6
URL: http://joec.ir/article-1-1733-en.html

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Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2024) Back to browse issues page
فصلنامه کودکان استثنایی Journal of Exceptional Children



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