The purpose of this study was educational needs assessment of blind primary schools students in orientation and mobility skills. 55 number of tehranian blind primary schools students' teachers and parents include female and male were selected as the study sample. The survey on teachers and parents' viewpoint in needs assessment was based on three question as following: educational needs of orientation and mobility skills, needs priorities, and differences in male and female students' needs. The results indicated that there are not any similarities between male and female needs, of course by exception of self–care skills without sighted guide. The most differences between genders are seen in using Cane skills. Teachers and parents suggested among 38 educational needs, 15 and 22 numbers in order are strong needs. Finally the survey proposed there are not any differences between blind primary male and female students' educational needs from the view point of parents and teachers.
Mirzabeigi M A, Karimi A. Needs Assessment of Teachers and Parents of Blind Primary School Students for Providing Curriculum in Teaching Orientation and Mobility Skills. JOEC 2005; 5 (3) :253-270 URL: